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Q: What's with the facebook logo?
A: I've created a community page on facebook which features the occasional news flash and previews future updates. Feel free to visit the page and don't forget to click the "like" button ;-)
Q: What happened to the 10 year anniversary page and the plans you made for 2011?
A: I had planned on visiting all the Norkring sites and various local radios in Belgium. The lousy weather during the summer of 2011 made me change my plans. It's now postponed until the weather improves.
UPDATE: The weather improved and most Norkring sites have now been photographed.
Q: What was "project revamp"?
A: This was the name I gave the period of renewing and expanding the website. This period ran from October 2009 until the end of summer of 2011 and incorporated the following: - giving the pages a new look - creating new sub pages - adding technical data about the tx site - adding historical data about the tx site - adding new countries - revisiting tx sites - adding new high resolution pictures - looking into promoting (internet advertising) the site by the end of 2011

A: This logo indicates that the following photos are shot with my Nikon D90, which creates JPG-files at a 300 dpi resolution, 4.16 times higher compared to the Panasonic Lumix.
Q: What do you mean with "THIS SITE IS WIDESCREEN ENHANCED"?
A: On most pages I have placed 2 or 3 fairly large thumbnails next to one another. This means that if you're using a 4x3 monitor you'll have to scroll a little to the right to view the most right thumbnail. When viewing on a 16x9 monitor with a resolution of 1600 by 900 or higher, the pages will fit perfectly on the monitor.
Q: Do you have a media related job?
A: No, I have a regular, non technical, job.
Q: Do you have any personal contacts within the media?
A: No, I don't know anybody personally and have no 'inside information'.
Q: Can you give me technical advice on broadcasting?
A: No, I merely have an interest in broadcasting, no advanced technical knowledge.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I've always been fascinated by signals and where they come from. Ever since my first digital camera I've been taking pictures of antennas and uploading them to my website.
Q: Are you doing this all by yourself?
A: Without the exception of people donating pictures, I maintain this website by myself.
Q: Do you ask for or accept donations?
A: No and no, I pay for all of this myself.
Q: Do you receive co-operation from radio & television stations?
A: Some stations reply to my mails and some don't. The national commercial broadcasters have never answered any of my mails.
Q: Why do you sometimes not update your site for several months?
A: This is a hobby and not my full time job. I sometimes don't feel like updating.
Q: I have send you some pictures, why can't I find them on your site?
A: Together with revamping the website I have decided to publish only high quality photos. Although there are a few exceptions...
Q: Exceptions, what exceptions?
A: Scans from photos of TX sites and studios that are a thing of the past.
Q: Your site is also called project 208 and project 1440. What does that mean?
A: 208 meters and 1440 kHz. refer to the frequency once used by the legendary Radio Luxembourg. A station that brings back some great memories ;-)
Q: Is there a difference between your .com and .eu site?
A: They are an exact duplicate, however, the .eu site should load much faster. This version is hosted on a professional server in Belgium (Stone Internet), where most of my visitors come from. The .com version is hosted on a server in The Netherlands (Go Daddy) which functions as the backup server.
Q: How come Belgium gets the most attention?
A: Easy, I live in Belgium.