Transmitter Site Grünten |
Kammeregger Weg, 87549 Rettenberg, Germany |
Click on the address to view the location in Google Maps |
2010 - August - 01 |
Welcome to the Alps! |
Here's the TX site, enjoy it, it's as close as I got! |
I was not prepared for what I encountered half-way up the mountain! |
Not legaly accessible by car! |
Unless you work there or work for the forrest service, or is it mountain service? |
They expect people to walk up there! |
That's just f*cking insane!!!!! |
And since I'm a bit insane, I'm going to try: "THE HIKE OF MY LIFE 2011"! |
Time will tell whether I'll ever make it up there,... and back! |
Since I don't have any TX pictures, I thought I'd share these with you. |