Transmitter Site Saarlouis
Zum Sender, 66802 Überherrn, Germany
Click on the address to view the location in Google Maps

Impression of the TX site on YouTube (German Regional TV SR1)

2012 - August - 12
On August 08 2012, 1 of the cables snapped.
The result can be seen on the following photos.
The much needed backup antennas.
2010 - May - 22
2010 - June - 27
The 4 main towers of Überhern,
transmitting their signal into France on longwave.
This type of TX site is my favorite.
It's impressive, comes with a history and...
in the (near?) future you know it'll unfortunately all come to an end.
Several shots of the building and the former television tower.
I like the architecture, this is not an everyday building, imho.
These are the 2 back-up antennas, a few hundred meters further.
The feeders up close & personal.
I'm gonna say it like it is...