Transmitter Site Siziano |
Stazione Radio, 20084 Lacchiarella, Italy |
Click on the address to view the location in Google Maps |
2005 - September - 28 |
The following pictures were send in by one of my visitors. |
This tx-site is used by RAI (RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA). |
The 900 kHz transmits RAIUNO's national program, but at times, |
broadcasts RAIUNO Lombardia, for example the local news in the morning, |
called "Gazzettino Padano". Between 00.00 and 05.59, when all other |
MW transmissions are turned off (except Napoli Marcianise) the ERP |
is increased to 600kW, broadcasting "Notturno Italiano" to Italy and |
beyond. At night, reception as far as Belgium is possible if you don't mind |
the fading. |
The 693 kHz was used to transmit RAIDUO, but transmissions were seized |
in 2004. In 2006 the transmitter and antenna were converted to DRM. |
Pictures of the DRM equipment can be seen here. |
These high quality pictures were sent in by 1 of my visitors. |
They are presented as is. |