Transmitter Site Siziano
Stazione Radio, 20084 Lacchiarella, Italy
Click on the address to view the location in Google Maps

2005 - September - 28
The following pictures were send in by one of my visitors.
This tx-site is used by RAI (RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA).
The 900 kHz transmits RAIUNO's national program, but at times,
broadcasts RAIUNO Lombardia, for example the local news in the morning,
called "Gazzettino Padano". Between 00.00 and 05.59, when all other
MW transmissions are turned off (except Napoli Marcianise) the ERP
is increased to 600kW, broadcasting "Notturno Italiano" to Italy and
beyond. At night, reception as far as Belgium is possible if you don't mind
the fading.
The 693 kHz was used to transmit RAIDUO, but transmissions were seized
in 2004. In 2006 the transmitter and antenna were converted to DRM.
Pictures of the DRM equipment can be seen here.
These high quality pictures were sent in by 1 of my visitors.
They are presented as is.